Election Results
Thank you to everyone who voted!
EMS ISD Voters Approve Two of Four School Bond Propositions
Continue below to view the full bond website.
EMS ISD Calls School Bond Election
Based on a recommendation by citizens and staff of the Long-Range Facility Planning Committee, the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Board of Trustees has called a $659.1 million bond proposition for Nov. 7, 2023.
Growth Over The Life of the Bond
The 2023 Bond Proposal is projected to address enrollment growth and capital improvements for the district for an estimated seven years. During that time period, EMS ISD enrollment is expected to grow by 4,700+ new students.
EMS residents will have the opportunity to cast their vote ☑For or ☑Against each of the four propositions separately:

Proposed Project Timeline
Timelines of projects directly correlate with enrollment growth, so if growth patterns change from what is currently projected, then those timelines could be adjusted. In general, with voter approval, the following timeline for new or replacement capital improvements is projected:
School Bond Election
Early Voting Oct. 23-Nov. 3
Election Day Nov. 7
Wayside Middle School
Projected cost: $114 million
Work would begin in Spring 2024 with a projected open date of August 2025.
Safety and Security
Projected cost: $7.7 million
Multi-year project with work beginning in 2024.
Projected cost: $51 million
Work would begin in 2024 with a projected open date in 2025.
Saginaw HS Scene Shop
Projected cost: $2 million
Work would begin in 2024 with a targeted completion in 2025.
Middle School #7
Projected cost: $126 million
Work would begin in 2026 with a targeted open date of August 2027.
Watson HS Addition
Projected cost: $5 million
Work would begin in 2026 with projected completion in 2027.
Saginaw HS Athletics
Projected cost: $47 million
Work would begin in 2026 with a projected completion date in 2027.
Elementary School #19
Projected cost: $74 million
Work would begin in 2028 with a targeted open date of August 2029.
Agriculture Science Building
Projected cost: $12.5 million
Multi-year project with construction to begin in 2028.
Saginaw Elementary School
Projected cost: $87 million
Work would begin in 2029 with a projected completion date of August 2030.
Land Purchases
Projected cost: $5 million
Remaining Projects
Completion of multi-year projects for technology and maintenance of aging facilities
Election Results
Thank you to everyone who voted!
EMS ISD Voters Approve Two of Four School Bond Propositions